Thursday 16 June 2011

Once I had created my vector drawings of weapons, i had to show how they would be used. For this part, I created two silhouettes, one attacking with the weapon in hand, and the other not aware of the attacker. I also added comments within the image to say how its used as well as the visual example.I used the pen tool to create my silhouettes outline, stroking the path each time. I then filled in each area with black to create my silhouette. Once they were made, I added my images of weapons that I had made to the picture to finish off the scene.

For this project I had to create a variety of objects which can be found in an office and used as a weapon. These images below are the weapons which I have created. I made them in photoshop, using the pen tool, gradient tool and dodge and burn tools. I used the pen tool to create my outlines for my weapons, I stroked the lines created every time. I then used gradients to create the colour and 3D effect. I then added some shading to some weapons to make them stand out even more with the 3D effect. The weapons had to be vector based as they were going into a game.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Research and Ideas

In Plymouth and the surrounding areas there was a lot cultural diversity as Plymouth itself is a city and the surrounding areas are rural. In the city there is a university and a fair amount of shops and local businesses. In the surrounding rural areas there are small local shops, transport services and a few local entertainment facilities. For my project I thought I could possibly do a bit of work for some university students or some promotional work for the university itself as this would help the community as I will be interacting with the students and helping them. I also had the idea of creating or designing some leaflets, event posters, flyers or adverts for Tavistock Wharf, my local entertainment facility. Another possibilty was to  create a website for a 'Cogs' a bike store in Plymouth.

If I were to do my project with university students I would most probably be given some work to do for them which would help them as they would have more time to do other work. If I were to choose work for the actual university I would intend to create something on the lines of a poster or banner to promote an up-coming event such as an open day or music event etc. If I chose to do my task with Tavistock Wharf I would like to be able to make some advertisements for them to advertise a local band playing there soon or another similar event. As well as these I also could have the opportunity to to some work for 'Cogs' which I would like to involve something based upon developing a website for them.

I think that the most feasible task out of those four, would be doing some work for the university students as it would be most helpful for them as all they need to do is tell me what i got to do the then they say if they like it or not. If not I will improve it how they want. The task of creating a website would also be fairly feasible as I have had experience in creating websites and can most probably meet there brief. Creating leaflets, posters, flyers or adverts for either the university or Tavistock Wharf is not as feasible as it is not much of a challenge for me as I have had very good experince in creating items like that and would prefer to push myself and maybe learn new skills in the process.

I have decided to do my project umongst the Plymouth university students as i know people there and they would be happy for me to do so and it wouold be a lot less hassle than any of the other ideas i though of.